Membership and Annual General Meeting 2021

Membership and Annual General Meeting 2021 IMAGE

Membership and Annual General Meeting 2021


Dixon Park SLSC update July 2021

This update has 3 sections:

  1.  Nominations of positions
  2.  Membership process and fees 2021
  3.  Notice of Annual General Meeting 2021


 1. Nominations for positions.

Dixon Park SLSC is a community based, volunteer organisation that provides a range of services including lifesaving, education, surf sports and nipper development. The function space of the Club continues to provide support to all dimensions of the Club.

The Club relies on the involvement of its members.

Nominations are sought for the following positions:

  1. President
  2. Director of Administration and Public Office
  3. Vice President and Club Liquor Licence Manager
  4. Director of Finance
  5. Director of Life Saving
  6. Junior Activities Manager
  7. Director of Education
  8. Director of Surf Sports

There are vacancies in many of these positions and this is a call to members to support their Club in one of these leadership positions.

 2. Membership information for the 2021 – 2022 Season



Active / Long Service / Reserve

$    100


$  150

Life Members


Gym ($100) + (Active / Long Service / Reserve / @ $100)

$  200

Gym ($150) + Associate ($150)

$  300

Boatshed ($100) +
(Active ($100) / Long Service / Reserve)

$  200

Boatshed ($250) + Associate ($150)

$  400

 Membership renewal options:

  1. SLS Members Area – online process. Update your membership details and make payment.
  2. Dixon Park website – Members - see instructions for EFT
  3. Attend the Club – to complete membership and payment (EFTPOS available)
  • Sunday 25 July - 9.00 am
  • Sunday 15 August - 9.00 am
  • Sunday 22 August - 2.00 pm (Club Annual General Meeting 3.00 pm)

  1. Notice of Annual General Meeting for Dixon Park SLSC inc.


Annual General Meeting rescheduled to 19 September 2021 from 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of Dixon Park Surf Life Saving Club Inc. will be held on Sunday 22ndh August 2021, from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm on the first floor of the Club House, Ocean Street, Merewether NSW 2291.

 Regarding the DPSLSC Inc. Constitution (Dec 2016), only Active members, Reserve Active members, Long Service members, Life members and Award* members have the right to present, debate, and vote at the Annual General Meeting. (* where granted)

 Members will need to be financial to be able to participate.


  1. Welcome, Apologies and Attendance
  2. Minute Silence for members that have passed during the season.
  3. Confirmation of minutes for the previous AGM held 16th August 2020.
  4. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report for the 2020-2021 season.
  5. Presentation and adoption of the Auditors Report and Annual Financial Statements for the financial year ending 30th June 2021. Attendance by Scott Faraday-Bensley from auditors - Evolution Advisers.
  6. Motion to confer Life Membership on the following members.
    1. Toni O’Donoghue
    2. Dale Laverty (deceased)
  7. Motion for Dixon Park Surf Life Saving Club Inc. to renew affiliation with Hunter Surf Life Saving and NSW Surf Life Saving.
  8. Election of Executive Committee for 2021-2022 season:
    1. President
    2. Director of Administration and Public Officer
    3. Vice President and Club Liquor Licence Manager
    4. Director of Finance
    5. Director of Life Saving
    6. Junior Activities Manager
    7. Director of Education
    8. Director of Surf Sports
  9. Motion to appoint Auditors for 2021-2022 season.
  10. Address by Henry Scruton (President HSLS)
  11. General Business

Peter Brown


Dixon Park SLSC