Nippers Committee

The Junior Activities Committee is made up of Nipper parents who are all volunteers.

The Committee meets once a month and the meeting is open to all Nipper families. If you have any suggestions or issues you wish to discuss, you are very welcome to come along and join us! Contact for dates and times. Alternatively, come and have a chat to one of our committee members on a Sunday morning. You can find us at the Nippers desk from 8.30am.

The Junior Activities AGM is normally held in April each year.

We would love to hold a social event or two for our Nipper families. If you have any ideas or can help out, please get in touch with our Nipper Committee members below!

2024 - 2025 Season Committee - New Committee members are needed !!

Junior Activities Chairperson
John Silveirinha -

Junior Activities Registrar
Cassie Criss and Patricia Kinney

Junior Activities Finance Officer/Secretary 
vacant -

Junior Activities Age Manager Coordinator 
Lochie Pearse

Junior Activities Lifesaving Officer (Water Safety)
Allan Cross -

Junior Activities Surf Sports/Carnival Manager

Chad West and Tim Wilkinson -

Junior Activities Merchandise
Joanne Walker

Junior Activities Social Events Coordinator
Marnie Long

Junior Activities Beach Manager /Gear Steward
Adrian Parker

Junior Activities Fundraising and Sponsorship Coordinator
Vacant -

 Communications Coordinator

Trent Hector 

If you have any questions regarding Nippers, please see one of the committee members and we will be more than happy to help!