Building Project Update #4

Building Project Update #4 IMAGE

Building Project Update #4

Dear Club Members & Family,

This communication is the 4th of a series of updates until completion of the building refurbishment work on DPSLSC facilities.

The work on the Club spaces (see photos) in the northern building has now been completed by the City of Newcastle (CN) (previously referred to as NCC). This has included removal of internal walls, construction of an external roller door entry and driveway from the carpark, a toilet and shower, renewal or refit of electrical / lighting and painting. We are very pleased with the outcome for the Club. Our acknowledgement and thanks to key CN staff involved in the project.

 The tender stage for ground floor refurbishment project in the main building is now complete. The tender has been awarded to F & D Devitis. We are very appreciative of the design and project management provided respectively by Tim Blackall, Associate, Nominated Architect, QOH Architects and Raquel James-Wright, Project Manager, City of Newcastle. We acknowledge and thank Tim and Raquel for their professionalism and enabling work to progress the project to the construction stage.

 It is expected to commence site work at the end of January / first week of February 2019. This means the ground floor will be inaccessible for approximately 3 months – to May 2019.

Through the coordination of Earl Rennie, Adrian Anderson and Brian Fisher we are now proceeding with your assistance as applicable to relocate services to the northern building and/or other temporary facilities.

 We seek your patience with the limited member / operational facilities over the coming months, but the outcome will be better for the Club and in turn, enhance our capability to provide our community service.

 If you have questions or would like to discuss, please contact Paul Murray (President) on 0418266852 or Peter Brown (Director of Administration) on 0423537651 or Geoff Padgett (Vice President) on 0428300142.


 Kind regards,


DPSLSC Executive Committee


DPSLSC Building Project Control Committee